Sunday, September 26, 2010


The US GENWEB Project is such a helpful website.  It is a FREE site that provides links to a variety of the state's genealogy websites.  It is organized by state and county.  Each state looks somewhat different but is all within the outline of the US GENWEB project.

The sites are maintained by volunteers seeking to offer sites for FREE.  This link opens you to the "About Us" portion of the site.  Check it out to get a better feel of what is available.  Be sure to check out the other tabs to get further information about the project.

When you are ready, click on your stateAt the state home page, take a moment to check out what is available on this site for your state.  Different states may offer different things so do not assume one page is the same as another. 

Then find where the list for the counties is located and click on the county you are researching.  Check out what kinds of information are available for your county.  These sites can offer you some wonderful information - actual cemetery listings, marriage information, birth, death, obituaries, and much more. 

Remember, these sites are prepared and maintained by volunteers.  You will find that some areas may say things like "up for adoption" - this means you can actually help if you are so inclined.  If not, you will have to wait until someone steps up and decides to volunteer their time to help.

I strongly suggest that you check out this site when working in the United States.  You will be so excited when you start finding your family.  Let me know how you are doing!


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